Wednesday, March 4, 2009

lions and lambs

Is it freakin spring yet?  This weather here is driving me crazy.

On the weekends my favorite thing to do is take an early morning walk with the munchkins and enjoy the start to the day.  Now the only time we get out of the house is if we have errands to run, which isnt always the most fun treck with little matter their age.

Cabin fever has set in to the extreme.  We even considered bundeling up and venturing to the swing set last weekend just to get outside for even 10 minutes.  But it prooved to be too cold when the wind chill was said to be near 7 degrees.  And a simple walk to the mailbox to collect the Sunday paper was the highlight of our day.

Spring.  I am a typical spring hater.  Not because of the warmer weather, flowering trees or outdoor activities...but because of the rain, the mud, and it always means that 90 degree summer weather is just around the corner.
But this year I have a renewed love of the coming of spring.

Either way I am overjoyed this year.  Hopefully by the time the Ides of March rolls around the weather will have taken a turn for the better here in the OH.  

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