Wednesday, January 20, 2010

They have the right idea

Breakfast is a necessity in my house.
I have to eat it everyday.
I have the kids eat it everyday they are with us.
And there is something that typically goes hand in hand with breakfast.


We all crave it.

We all want some.

Doesnt matter how we get it or in what form...we need it.

But there are some foods that dont have to have that much sugar in them.

Ice Cream.
Try some with a lower sugar content and you'll be surprised at how much flavor there is without added sugar.

Yup, syrup with lower sugar is just as satisfying as the rea
l deal.

And while I am certain I could go on and on I will stop with only 1 more.

General Mills Cereal.

Say, what?

The kids love cereal just as much as I do and it is easy to get side tracked into letting them eat the type of cereal they want.


Full of extra forms of sugar that they dont need. (you know...the good stuff)

Carah is in kindergarten and needs to concentrate all she can to continue her brilliance with reading.
While Brady is nearly 2 1/2 and he needs to learn simple rules of life.
Neither has the time to let a sugar overdose or hunger sidetrack them throughout the day.

That is why it is so fantastic that General Mills has committed to lowering the sugar content in cereals advertised to kids under 12 to single digit grams of sugar per serving.
They are also increasing essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

General Mills let me try a few boxes of cereal through MyBlogSpark. They also gave me essential information about breakfast and ready-to-eat cereals.
I was admittedly skeptical.
I love my healthy cereals but when I am jonesing for a sugary bowl of goodness thats exactly what I want.
I had a few varieties of General Mills cereal provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark and we loved them (naturally!)
We all decided that we will probably notice when they take a few grams of sugar out of these cereals. Our days will be better for it.

The benefits of cereal are astounding, especially when you really dont take the time to think much about the food you are putting into your body.
Whole grains, added nutrients, lowers the likelihood of obesity, lowers absenteeism in school, kids perform better at school and have higher test scores (when they eat breakfast).

Seems like a reason to keep eating a healthy (and still fun) breakfast to me!


Ashley said...

so which cereals did you try? I have to say I think my all time favorite fall-back cereal is Cheerios. The original, not the honey nuts and chocolate and whatever else they have out there now. LOVE THE STUFF! Luckily, it's good for you too!

Amanda said...

I got Carah's favorite - Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Honey Nut Cheerios.
And some Lucky Charms.

Lauren said...

I HIGHLY recommend adding some thinly sliced banana to a bowl of Cheerios...takes care of the need to put extra sugar in your bowl, and adds more nutrients. Deee-lish!

Jelli said...

To reduce sugar content in my cereals, I usually purchase the sugary delicious cereal, and then mix into that another healthy and similarly textures cereal. Not sure how it would go over with kids, but it works for my husband ;)