Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Captain will be really Peeved

In economic times such as these, we cannot joyfully spend our money on frivolous items.

No more lavish seaside vacations.
No more spending sprees at Bloomies, Nordstrom and Neimans.
No more of my Candlelight Suppers. Which everyone always looks forward to. I bet I could have gotten the Major to attend my next one...
We'll have to only take the yacht out 5 times next year to save on gas money and paying the crew. They will be forced to take second jobs in seafood restaurants, on shrimping boats with the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company and perform themed children's birthday parties.

Alas, I will be forced to simply drool over the beauties I found today at Uncommon Goods.

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